Thursday, 26 May 2011

Blacks Americans See Mainstream Films:No Niche

A Studios that target African-Americans in their ad campaigns for movies are making a mistake by focusing narrowly on films that feature African-Americans or on storylines that might be especially relevant to black moviegoers, according to a study conducted for BET Networks. The study, "REEL FACTS A Movie Goer Consumption Study," observes that African-Americans are bigger movie fans than the general population as a whole, averaging 13.4 visits to movie theaters per year vs. 11 for the general moviegoer population. In what might be considered a pitch for ads for all types of films on BET's cable network, the study concluded, "Contrary to what many studios and marketers think, African Americans are a valuable patron of different genres of film and see the platform of television as an important resource in making a decision in this category." It noted that 65 percent of black moviegoers decide what films they want to see based on what they have learned about them in TV commercials.

Matthew Barnhill, senior vice president of market research at BET Networks, said: “The African-American community has diverse tastes, an appetite for quality movies and entertainment that can range from blockbuster mainstream action films to African-American romantic comedies."

In the study, only three of the top films in 2010-11 mentioned by African-American moviegoers had a predominantly African-American cast or storyline, or a lead African-American actor.

The study found that the genres that African-Americans spent the most money on were comedy, action adventure and romance.

A special note to Hollywood -- this should not be interpreted as a reason to make fewer films with black casts. It simply means that black folks are open to many genres and films, regardless of race.

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